Participant Direction Transfers for Individuals Served in Adult Autism Waiver

Participant Direction Transfers for Individuals Served in Adult Autism Waiver

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) offers participant direction, also known as self-direction, to provide participants with a high level of choice and control over their services and supports in the ID/A waivers. In ODP’s self-direction models, the participant directs the provision of waiver services provided by Support Service Professionals, who are known as Direct Support Professionals in the Adult Autism Waiver. Support Service Professionals are the person(s) who will be hired to provide waiver services to the participant.

Participants can take advantage of self-direction opportunities through the utilization of a Financial Management Service (FMS) Organization. Participants who wish to self-direct services may do so though one of two FMS models: Agency with Choice or Vendor Fiscal/Employer Agent.

Since participant-directed services models are not available in the Adult Autism Waiver, ODP included a reserved capacity category called Participant Direction Transfers in the ID/A waiver amendments effective November 1, 2018. Each waiver reserves 5 spaces each year (for a total of 15 per year) for individuals who wish to self-direct the majority of their waiver services but are enrolled in the Adult Autism Waiver.

To begin implementation of this reserved capacity, each participant in the Adult Autism Waiver will receive a letter and a flyer from ODP announcing the availability of this reserved capacity and providing information about participant-directed services. Since there are only 5 spaces available per year in each of the ID/A waivers, the Adult Autism Waiver Supports Coordinator will need to have a discussion with each person enrolled in the Adult Autism Waiver at the first regularly scheduled meeting or monitoring to determine if he or she is interested in self-directing the majority of their waiver services and enrolling in one of the ID/A waivers. Detailed information about this process can be found in ODP Announcement 19- 036. Also see Attachment #1, Attachment #2, and Attachment #3 to the announcement.


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