ODP Releases 2018–2019 Annual Data Report

ODP Releases 2018–2019 Annual Data Report

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) created this statistical report detailing enrollment, self-direction services, employment, residential, targeted services management, and financial trends so that individuals, families, advocates, providers, government officials, and taxpayers can see and measure how many individuals ODP serves, what services are provided, where the individuals live, and what costs are associated with services. Facts and figures are important, but limit view of the service system. We can measure growth in the program, what types of services are prioritized, and how we are investing in services and support people.

The 2018–2019 Annual Data Report is available by using either of the following links:

The 2018–2019 Annual Data Report is a good companion to the annual report published on the performance measures developed by ODP’s Information Sharing and Advisory Committee (ISAC), entitled: Everyday Lives: Values in Action Information, Sharing and Advisory Committee (ISAC) Recommendations, Strategies, and Performance Measures. The publication is available on the MyODP Everyday Lives Publications: Reports Web Page.


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