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Assisted Living Residence

The following updates have been released regarding the Personal Care Home (PCH) and Assisted Living Residence (ALR) ListServs:

  • As of 6/22/2022, the PCH and ALR ListServ(s) have been merged. This action was taken in order to maintain consistency and streamline the flow of information, as well as to decrease duplicate emails in your inbox.
  • As of 6/22/2022, all provider emails will be subscribed to the ListServ. Please maintain your subscription and ensure that your email servers are set up to accept emails from OLTL-ADULT-RESIDENTIAL-LICENSING@LISTSERV.DPW.STATE.PA.US, as well as emails from PA.GOV addresses.
  • Archives from the previous ListServ(s) can be accessed by visiting:
  • If we are unable to maintain email contact, you will undoubtedly miss information that is crucial to the operation of your facility. Any changes to facility administrator or email contact information should be reported to your regional office or to PWARL Headquarters.
  • Anyone who wishes to subscribe to the ListServ may do so by visiting OLTL Adult Residential Licensing ListServ.

Questions about this information should be addressed by calling the Operator Support Hotline at 866-503-3926 or by email.

**This communication was originally sent on 6/9/2022, but due to technical issues, the actions outlined below were not completed until 6/21/2022.**

The Bureau of Human Services Licensing (BHSL) recently issued updated information on the Plan of Correction (POC) process. Beginning on May 1, 2022, the following will be implemented:

  • A new one page Effective Plan of Correction Guide, which the licensing representative will review and leave behind at each Exit Conference;
  • The availability of staff to schedule a phone consultation for technical assistance prior to the submission of the initial Plan of Correction;
  • One reminder phone call and email for any overdue initial or revised Plans of Correction;
  • Return of unacceptable initial submissions of the Plan of Correction in Sanswrite with specific comments on what is required on the resubmission for the Plan to be accepted;
  • One phone call and email to schedule an appointment to walk through the Plan of Correction process for any unacceptable second submission of Plans of Correction; and
  • The opportunity to request an extension of due dates for initial and revised submissions of Plans of Correction.

These actions have been taken so that providers have every opportunity to submit an acceptable POC and, when possible, avoid a directed POC.

Other changes that BHSL is implementing to address quality, consistency, and timeliness include:

  • Initial POC that are missing information or do not adequately address the violation will not be accepted or directed. If the Plan is missing any of the required information, such as when the corrective action will be implanted or who is responsible, OR the plan is inadequate to correct for the violation, the plan will be returned with comments in Sanswrite, even for minor errors.
  • If a POC has not been received past the due date, BHSL will direct the POC no sooner than three business days after one reminder phone call and email have been made. BHSL may accept the provider’s late submission of a POC if a directed POC has not yet been started.

To request technical assistance at any point in the process or an extension of due dates, providers should contact their licensing supervisor (or licensing representative in the Central region) prior to the POC due date. Additional information on submitting an acceptable POC is also available at Personal Care Home Licensing under “Plans of Correction.”

For additional information, please refer to the Effective POC Guide and the Sample Acceptable Plans of Correction for Personal Care Homes (PCHs) and Assisted Living Residences (ALRs).