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Bulletin Clarification: Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) for Personal Care Services (PCS) Bulletin

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) for Personal Care Services (PCS) Bulletin 07-20-04, 54-20-04, 59-20-04,00-20-03 outlines compliance requirements when manual edits are required to correct EVV visit data. The bulletin includes the following language addressing documentation for manual corrections:

  1. Visit Corrections and Documentation for Manual Corrections
  • If EVV visits require manual corrections or edits due to missing or incorrect data elements, providers must maintain hard copy documentation of the manual corrections for auditing purposes. Hard copy documentation is a paper copy.
  • Providers are to establish policy on documentation required to meet auditing requirements and standards as well as organization needs.

The intent of this requirement is to ensure that providers are prepared to provide physical documentation (hard copy) of the reason for manual corrections if requested during an on-site audit. Providers have flexibility in how to implement this requirement as long as physical documentation can be provided upon request. This statement does not dictate that providers must use paper time sheets; however, that is one option to satisfy this requirement. If documentation is kept electronically, such as in the provider’s EVV system, providers must be capable of producing hard copies of this documentation as requested.

Questions on the bulletin or this bulletin clarification should be directed here.