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ODP Quality Assessment and Improvement Training Webinars

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has announced the availability of two training webinars in June. ODP staff will review changes in the Quality Assessment and Improvement (QA&I) tools and process and expectations for self-assessment, onsite and remediation activities for Cycle 1, Year 2 which begins July 1, 2018.

The webinars will be presented Thursday, June 14 & Thursday, June 21, 2018, 10:00 am – 11:30 am. Please only register for one as the same presentation will be offered on both days. Please register for the training webinar following this link.

INQUIRIES: Please direct any questions, issues or concerns to your QA&I Regional Coordinator and cc the QA&I Process mailbox.

QA&I Regional Coordinators:

Central Region Northeast Region Southeast Region Western Region
Robyn Seville


Rachel Toman


Roger Crisanty


Renee Bruno
