ODP Report: Improving the Quality of Residential Services

ODP Report: Improving the Quality of Residential Services

ODP Announcement 19-007 states that the department’s report, Improving the Quality of Residential Services,” is now available. This report shares with stakeholders ODP’s commitment toward improved service quality, as the Department works to maintain the health and well-being of individuals residing in community-based homes. This report includes both planned initiatives and activities already in progress, demonstrating ODP’s continued efforts to improve residential service quality. ODP has worked internally and in partnership with stakeholders to identify gaps in service delivery. Improvement activities are either tied to the four model practices outlined in the Joint Report: Ensuring Beneficiary Health and Safety in Group Homes Through State Implementation of Comprehensive Compliance Oversight (Joint Report) or recommendations from the ODP Residential Strategic Thinking Group (STG).

The Joint Report was published by the US Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General (OIG), in response to congressional requests concerning abuse and neglect of individuals residing in group homes. The OIG conducted a series of audits based on a review of practices in several states and found that “residents often experienced serious injuries and medical conditions that resulted in emergency room visits.” This publication provides guidance on model practices in four areas: (1) State Incident Management and Investigation, (2) Incident Management Audits, (3) State Mortality Reviews, and (4) State Quality Assurance.

In November 2017, ODP convened the Residential STG to develop recommendations for new or revised policies, guidance for provider practice, methods for incorporating person-centered practices, modifications to ODP licensing practices, and technical assistance and training.

This report focuses on three principles of residential services:

  • It is home, a place where we feel most comfortable, safe, and where we feel we belong;
  • Every individual has the capacity to engage in lifelong learning; and
  • Person-centered practices inform how we support people.

The Residential STG identified six key domains for residential services improvement and recommended change actions for each domain. Please refer to the report for more detailed information about ODP’s plan for continued efforts to improve the quality of residential services. Please submit questions via email.


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