OMHSAS Releases Updated Temporary Regulatory Suspension Guidance

OMHSAS Releases Updated Temporary Regulatory Suspension Guidance

The Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) is announcing the temporary suspension of provisions in certain bulletins and other non-regulatory guidance documents. The temporary suspension of the specified provisions in these bulletins and other non-regulatory guidance documents is intended to support the health and safety efforts of the agencies and facilities by affording them the flexibility needed to focus on patient care in the most effective way possible. The suspension supports the continued and uninterrupted delivery of behavioral health services in the face of the challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic. The suspensions will remain in place while the Governor’s Disaster Proclamation remains in effect or such other time as the Department of Human Services or OMHSAS directs.

This document outlines the various provisions being suspended, scope of the suspensions, and any binding conditions for the suspensions. Highlights of the suspensions are noted below:

  • Suspension of requirements for face-to-face contacts with beneficiaries if it is clinically appropriate to utilize telehealth/telephone to provide those Services.
  • Suspension of training and certification requirements for staff for certain Services.
  • Suspension of timeframes for assessments, treatment/service plan development
  • and revisions.
  • Suspension of requirements around signatures.
  • Suspension of staff to beneficiary ratio in certain Services.
  • Suspension of fidelity assessments.

The memorandum announcing the suspension, along with a detailed list of the specified provisions suspended, can be read here. Any comments or questions regarding these suspensions should be directed to your OMHSAS Field Offices or your RCPA Policy Director.

  • Central Field Office:          717-705-8395
  • Northeast Field Office:      570-963-4335
  • Southeast Field Office:     610-313-5844
  • Southwest Field Office:    412-565-5226


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