Updates for ICF Programs

Updates for ICF Programs

Message from Kevin Dressler:

Weekly COVID Report
The weekly COVID reports that the Intermediate Care Facilities (ICFs) have been sending to the regional office can be discontinued, effective immediately. All COVID cases for people served in the ICFs are required to be reported into EIM. All COVID cases for staff are required to be reported into HRS. We ask that if you have a COVID outbreak in your facility and you are in need of support in any manner, please contact the RA account and the regional office and we can try to assist in addressing your needs. The link to the HRS reporting requirement is COVID-19 Reporting–ODP Announcement 20-061.

Health Alert Network (HAN)
Please continue to monitor the Pennsylvania Department of Health HANs even as the COVID pandemic seems to be easing its spread across Pennsylvania. The HANs offer insight into health related information that is of value in supporting our staff and people served. On the DOH website there is a link that you can sign up to receive new and updated HANs as they are published.

The link to the website is here.

Updated DHS Guidance for Long-Term Care Facilities (includes ICFs)
The DHS guidance for long term care facilities was updated and primarily reflects changes to the surveillance testing for unvaccinated staff and residents. Please review and adjust your policies accordingly. The link to the guidance is here.

ICF Task Force Meeting
Reminder the ICF Taskforce meeting is set for Tuesday July 6 from 10:00 am–1:00 pm. The Agenda was emailed on 6-17-21, and the link to register is here (same as per 6/25 email).

Lastly, have a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend!


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